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Monday, 05 February 2007



I love the plates, I'm sure the cookies are good too. I bet you got those plates for $1.50 at your local thrift store.


Egan, Close. I bought a 4 place setting at Costco Online for under $100. Now they no longer carry them and I'm kicking myself for not buying 8 place settings. I've priced out just the plates alone and they run around $10 EACH. I'm crossing my fingers Costco brings them back at some point. Otherwise, I'll never be able to invite more than two people over at a time...not that more than 4 people could fit in the dining room anyways.


But they look so lovely so it's all good. Costco is very tricky like that. If you see something you like, it most likely won't be there on your next visit. That's why I have a huge collection of sex toys.


Egan, I wish you would have told me about your collection earlier. Now I'm going to have to repackage your Valentine.


Sprizee, you're such a girl. That's one of the many reasons that I do love you!


You make some yummy lookin' cookies.

I went to the museum yesterday. Stupid super bowl!


I'm looking forward to trying out this recipe...I love recipes! Thanks!!!


I so totally thought you purchased that fancy item somewhere. Totally belongs in the catalog.


Is it a catalog, or merely a magazine? That's a MS anomaly for another day...


Ooo yum! Ooo pretty! S - you're my Martha Stewart.


I love your cookies, Sprizee.

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