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Monday, 07 September 2009



And what's weird is I remember reading that post of yours about the ESF back in 2004. It may be why I started and still blog today.

I didn't know you worked there in college. That's cool. I get the feeling Baby Singe would love a fair, but I'm not a fair type. I suppose I can suck it up.


It sounds like you had fun, that's all that matters.

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How can I stop my bunny urinating on my sofa and bed?
I can't have my male bunny neutered due to him having retained testicles and although he was an excellent house bunny, using his litter box and only becoming the one bunny destruction team when faced with a paper product. He is now urinating on my bed and sofa whenever given a 20second window in his supervision. I really want to get him back into good habits and have bought a couple more litter boxes but this doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone help?

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