...traveling to Paris for two weeks with my mom, French butter and fresh baked goods, walking everywhere, The Louvre, Parisian architecture, rose wine, Pere Lachaise Cemetary, wool coats and knee high leather boots, being glad to be back home, showering at the office while the single bathroom at my house is completely gutted and remodeled, shiny new tiles that actually look old, getting over the fact that Twitter lost all my tweets only to realize they're suddenly back, baking a David Lebovitz recipe for cookbook club, missing kung fu, staying healthy and general exhaustion.
Last month and the month before that I was into the Ricky Gervais podcast, An Idiot Abroad, a new pie shop near my office (for sweet and savory bites), Las Vegas for a conference, the Bodies exhibit, artifacts from the Titanic, remembering Jason's (and before that Misty's) sweet cat Nixon, hosting some family on Boxing Day, seeing a preview of 127 Hours and then hearing the director Danny Boyle chat about it, baking sea salt brownies, hosting bookclub and baking a bunch of other baked goods for December's cookbook club.